Sustanon 300 contains, per mL, 40 mg of short-acting testosterone propionate, 70 mg of testosterone phenylpropionate, 70 mg of testosterone isocaproate, and 120 mg of testosterone decanoate. The first, testosterone propionate, is short-acting and gives Sustanon a quick onset of action in a steroid cycle. The other esters are medium to long-acting.

Sustanon 300 Side Effects

Side effects of Sustanon are, for the same amount of testosterone, identical to other testosterone esters such as testosterone enanthate.

The principal reasons to choose between Sustanon and testosterone enanthate are price and availability. Quality of results in the steroid cycle will not be affected by the decision.

Sustanon 300 Dosages

300mg per Week
At a usage level of 300 mg/week, Sustanon provides basically only a high level of testosterone replacement therapy. Individuals with low testosterone may see a marked improvement, but many with mid-normal or high natural testosterone will see little added effect at this dosage level. Yet, Sustanon is suppressive of the hypothalamus and pituitary at this dosage and will largely shut down natural testosterone production while being used. So, this dosage has relatively little of the benefits of most steroid cycles, but shares the adverse side effect of suppressed testosterone production.

600mg per Week 600 mg/week

is a minimal dosage level for most to see good results. At this dosage, gains are typically good for a first cycle and often no ancillary drug is required to control estrogen. But in many instances, estrogen control is already desirable.

900mg per Week

The next step up of 900 mg/week provides a noticeable further increase in gains, and if estrogen is controlled, side effects are generally not much different than at 600 mg/week.

1,200mg per Week

A dose of 1,000 mg/week is generally sufficient for intermediate to even many advanced users. In some cases, even more than this is used. However, this generally is not necessary unless results have reached a plateau already at the 1 g/week level.

Sustanon 300 Recommendations

Sustanon dosing during a steroid cycle should generally be divided into at least two injections per week, and more preferably at least three.
Post-cycle therapy is highly advisable after any steroid cycle, including a Sustanon cycle.

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